There it is. I admit it. I am a nyctophiliac and proud of it.

For those that don’t know, nyctophilia is the love of darkness or night. One that finds relaxation or comfort in the darkness.
If I could I’d sleep all day and stay awake all night. I am most creative at night. In fact, the later it gets the brilliant I am. At about 11 pm I find my creative juices flowing and many times I lock myself up in my studio and paint till the wee hours of the morning, then crash during the day. Other times I stay up all night writing more chapters in my latest novel. I can’t help it. I am a creature of the night.
And to be honest, I love this about myself.
So what about you? Are you a nyctophiliac? Comment below.

I'm not afraid of the night but rather what lurks within it. Humans primarily.